You may think you've got Crossy Road all figured out, but without the tips in my Crossy Road guide, you're just another bug splattered on a windshield. Although Crossy Road is a simple game, there are a few interesting wrinkles in the formula that new players overlook. How many of these Crossy Road tricks do you know?
# Crossy Road Tip # 5: Car Conundrums
No doubt you've ended many games of Crossy Road by getting splatted by oncoming traffic. What you might not have noticed is that the cars in a given lane are always the same.
This means a couple of things. One, if you see a car driving in a particular direction, all the cars in that lane are headed in that direction. They'll all come from the same side of the street, so you can tell where to look to check for more cars.
The other is that the cars come at a constant speed. If you see a fast car in a lane, all the cars in that lane will be fast. You'll have to cross that lane carefully if you want to avoid being flattened!
# Crossy Road Tip # 4: Log Lessons
Similarly, the logs in rivers always head in the same direction and at the same speed. Since they can easily carry you off the screen to your death, it pays to plan carefully when crossing rivers.
What's interesting about the logs is that your character will kind of "jump" a bit diagonally to nearby logs even if they normally wouldn't be in the right square for it. The game sort of gives you the benefit of the doubt.
This also applies to jumping sideways on a log - you can actually jump over a 1-block gap between logs this way!
# Crossy Road Tip # 3: Actually Playing is Overrated
There are two reasons to play Crossy Road. One is to set a high score. The other is to unlock new characters.
The thing is, actually playing the game doesn't do much for either of these. Sure, you might break your record, but most of the time I end up splattered within the first 20 steps or so, nowhere near my high score. Sometimes I play and try to get a new high score, but it takes a certain amount of focus so it's not always the way I want to play.
Meanwhile, grabbing coins off the road is an extremely ineffective way to unlock new characters. Unless you pay for the "more coins" IAP, you're probably going to get maybe 5-10 coins on a particularly good run. Since a pull at the character machine costs 100, you've got a lot of roads to cross if you want to get anywhere grinding for coins.
# Crossy Road Tip # 2: Check In And Check Out A Bonus!
So what should you do if you want to earn new characters? Just check in every 6 hours for the free gift!
Usually the gift is at least 100 coins, but in the past I've had 500 coin gifts before. That's 5 chances at a new character! You might not always get a new one, especially as your collection grows. But checking in periodically is way easier than trying to pick up coins off the ground.
# Crossy Road Tip # 1: Move Fast, But Not Too Fast
You may already know that if you wait around too long, you'll lose. However, it's possible to tell how close you are to losing by watching the screen. Your character slowly moves towards the lower corner as time runs out. Thus, you can know when to move fast and when you have time by how close you are to this corner.
Another tip about moving - don't get ahead of yourself. Moving forward will give you more time, but only up to a point. If you have a wide open field and then something beyond it that is going to take time to be safe, tap slowly. This will maximize the amount of time you have before the screen catches up and you wind up with a game over.
Also, remember that you can swipe down to move backwards, assuming you have the space to do so. This can save you from a car you missed or if a log is just not moving the way you want it to.
# Crossy Conclusion
Those are my top 5 tips for Crossy Road! It is a pretty simple game with easy mechanics, and it takes a certain amount of patience and skill to master. Hopefully, armed with this Crossy Road guide, you can up your Crossy Road game to the next level.
So, how many did you know? Did you know all 5 already? If so, you can consider yourself a Crossy Connoisseur! What secrets do you use when you want to set a high score or unlock a new character? Tell us all about it in the comments!